Episode 330
Most parents who are raising kids with big emotions would say that our kids’ reactions – their reactions when they don’t get their way, or when they have to do something they don’t want to do, etc. – tend to be very big and very difficult to manage. Often, we feel like their reactions control our homes because they impact our daily routines, our other children, and even the decisions we make. But it is possible to regain control of your home so that it doesn’t seem like those emotions or reactions are in charge! Specific step-by-step strategies, called Leadership Parenting strategies, can help you make that happen.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What Leadership Parenting strategies are and why they’re so powerful
- Two actionable leadership parenting strategies that allow us and our children to respect emotions without being controlled by them
- Benefits of using leadership parenting strategies with our kids
FREE RESOURCE: Leadership Parenting Strategies
Free training for parents with kids with big emotions
Learn more about the Leadership Parenting Academy and Leadership Parenting Success Lab
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 244: Breaking the “Frustration / Guilt” Cycle
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 249: When We Foster Resilience at the Expense of Self-Esteem