Episode 214
Many parents say that one of the worst parts of the day happens right after school. Often when they get home from school, children are often disrespectful (to you and to their siblings), demanding, or just plain irritable!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why after-school hours are particularly difficult for children with big emotions
- Why you might relate to their experience more than you think
- What you can do to make this time of day less miserable for everyone
Mentioned in or related to this episode:
Free video series for parents raising children with big emotions
Rachel’s program: The Long Game Method for Raising Children With Big Emotions
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 201: Why Children With Big Feelings Act So “Dramatic”
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 59: Why Children Don’t “Choose” to Act Negatively
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 93: Why Respectful Parenting Builds MORE Resilience, Not Less
Learn more about “The Long Game Method for Raising Children With Big Emotions”
Get Rachel’s free video series for parents raising children with big emotions