Episode 206
Sometimes when kids get upset, we understand why — someone was mean to them, they didn’t get their way, they had to stop doing something they were enjoying. But other times, their behavior or feelings seem completely illogical. Sometimes it seems like they get upset for no reason, or sometimes we do what they ask and they still get upset!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why children’s behavior may be completely illogical (it actually makes more sense than you think)
- Why our kids are often just as confused by their behavior as we are
- how you can respond to illogical behavior, even when nothing seems to work
Mentioned in or related to this episode:
Free video series for parents raising children with big emotions
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 201: Why Children With Big Feelings Act So “Dramatic”
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 96: A Communication Tip to Reduce Resistance From Your Child (and Anyone Else)
Your Parenting Long Game Episode 78: “When-Then” Statements: A Simple Long Game Tool for Reacting More Effectively
Get Rachel’s free video series for parents raising children with big emotions